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“Drain The Swamp” is the metaphorical description of president Andrew Jackson’s 1828 campaign to rid Washington of cronyism and corruption. This metaphor has new implying in 2017, intensified by the saga of house speaker Paul Ryan’s failed American health care Act (AHCA).
ObamaCare, ironically called client protection and economical care Act (ACA), has created a swamp of metaphorical alligators devouring patients, physicians, and the economy. A partial list includes:
rising out of pocket costs
higher deductibles before “coverage” (if allowed at all) kicks in
restricted networks of doctors and hospitals
reduced availability of medications
reduced availability of home health services and medical devices
greater difficulty getting surgical approvals
reduced access to specialists and longer wait times
overcrowded emergency rooms
devastating regulatory burdens on physicians and hospitals, forcing numerous to close their doors
stunning job-killing effects of the employer mandate
rising taxes, and much more due to go into effect in 2017
Despite fervent Republican promises to “repeal” ObamaCare, Ryan’s AHCA has retained many of its problems. Ryan’s plan did not ðrain the swamp. It maintained the swamp of cronyism, rewards for special interests, synthetic controls on totally free market options, and the features that guarantee much more of the unaffordable costs that drive younger, healthier, low risk clients out of the market.
Mocking the idea of transparency promised by president Trump, speaker Ryan’s plan was crafted in secret behind closed doors without public review—just like Democrats did with ObamaCare. GOP congressional leaders excluded popular free-market advocates such as Dr. Rand Paul, Dr. Tom Price, and others.
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The freedom Caucus members of the house refused support, so Ryan did not have enough votes to pass his bill. It remains to be seen whether this “failure” will be a victory for those who really want to drain the swamp of bureaucracy and special interests, and restore medical freedom to patients.
Ultimately clients will be better off if the Republicans start over. The GOP ought to follow proposals put forth by successful businessman, president Donald Trump, who proposed outstanding recommendations for medical freedom and patient-centered reforms:
lower cost “plain vanilla” risk-based insurance policies
expanded health savings accounts, controlled by patients
ability for clients to purchase insurance across state lines, to select policies from states with lower cost options
state control of Medicaid by block granting federal Medicaid dollars to states
tax deduction of health insurance payments to equalize tax treatment of individually owned and employer-sponsored policies
price transparency to eliminate the confusing and discriminatory price structure created by insurance contracts
patient freedom to purchase medications overseas
Trump’s plan brings the greatest benefit to clients with much more freedom to choose how to spend their own money based on individual needs and values rather than purchasing required coverage mandated by Washington bureaucrats.
Taxpayers ought to also pressure Congress to eliminate the $500 million (half a billion) tax dollars going to planned Parenthood, whose primary company is abortion in their estimated 400 U.S. clinics. low income women already have access to health services in several thousand federally qualified health clinics across the country. This taxpayer funding for women’s health would be preserved in block grants of federal Medicaid dollars to the states.
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If one goal of “healthcare reform” is to eliminate “disparities,” eliminating tax funding to planned parenthood would help save lives of minorities. roughly 80% of abortions in the USA are done for two minority groups: African American and Hispanics. The numbers are staggering: much more than 17 million of the 60 million lives lost to abortion because Roe v. Wade have been black lives.
Most congressmen lack real world company experience in the Milton Friedman model, which teaches that for totally free markets to work, there should be less policy and much more competition. Americans need to seek better qualified candidates.
One to Подумайте, бывший генеральный директор и международный бизнесмен технологий и международный бизнесмен, Боб Грей, работает в 6 -м округе Конгресса Джорджии, чтобы заменить доктора Тома Прайса, который в настоящее время является секретарем здравоохранения и социальных служб. Нам также нужны представители, которые действительно посвятили себя жизни и свободе, и способные визуализировать инновационные услуги (например, серы были первой парой в США, которые использовали открытое воздействие для своих замороженных эмбрионов).
Как показывает разгром Райана Плана, истощение болота в области здравоохранения-нелегкая задача-не так, когда у болотных жителей есть столь многочисленные приятели на высоких местах, так что плохие решения, вызванные кризисом, были основаны на глубоко укоренившихся и ошибочных предположениях в DC ». Культура болота », с очень немногими представителями« посторонних »с опытом работы в реальном мире.
Obamacare не может выжить. Это в смертной спирали, как многочисленные по обе стороны политического спектра, болезненно реализованы. Нам нужны свежие подходы, а не только новые имена для старых идей. Нам нужны ориентированные на пациента варианты и политические решения, основанные на основных принципах Америки сохранения свободы и жизни.
Связанный что вызывает изжога?
Окно возможностей открыто для истинной реформы с бизнесменом в качестве президента, ведущим врачом, ведущим департаментом здравоохранения и социальных служб, а также избирает принципиальные реформаторы и компанию по решению проблем мужчин и женщин в Конгресс. Это «сильное лекарство», которое это врач считает, что Америке должна избавить нас от государственного контроля над нашей медицинской помощью.
Ссылка на этот пост: Райан забота: нам нужна реформа, а не реформирование
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